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5 Advantages Of Smart Home Automation

The use of home automation technology is growing every day and individuals are realizing the numerous benefits it has to offer. Smart home automation systems allow various parts of your home or office to be remotely controlled through any Internet enabled device like a smartphone, iPad or computer. A home automation system allows the integration of various components of your home, including lighting, temperature, security and entertainment. Also the introduction of several new devices in the market has made smart home automation more affordable to all. If you have been sitting on the fence about implementing a smart automation system in your next residential or commercial project, here are some factors that may help you decide.
  1. Convenience
When individuals are asked why they are considering a smart home automation system, the first and most common reason they give is ‘convenience’. Smart technology can simplify your life in ways you wouldn’t have dreamed of a decade ago. Home automation systems give you the ability to access and control many elements of your home, at the touch of a button. They help you control lighting and temperature across different rooms and even turn on/off electronic devices, without having to physically walk through each room. Many systems can also be programmed to operate automatically during certain times of the day. Like turning on porch lights at sunset or drawing window blinds to welcome the morning sun.
  1. Safety
There are many ways in which smart home technology can make your home safer. You can install smart locks that let you lock and unlock the door with your smartphone, remotely. This can be particularly useful if you want to let someone in your home when you’re not around, like a sitter or maintenance person, without requiring you to give them a copy of your keys. It also negates having to worry about losing your keys and the hassle of replacing them. Another important safety feature offered by a smart home automation system is CCTV control. With the help of your device, you can monitor activities in your home while you are away, and even have alarms triggered by motion detectors.
  1. Access
Smart home automation systems can be controlled in a variety of ways. The majority of them have dedicated apps for both Android and iOS smartphones and tablets, as well as a desktop PC app or web-based interface. You can thus control many appliances and systems in your home from any device connected to the Internet. Smart home automation systems also give you access of your home or office when you’re not physically present. This helps check if you have locked the door, turned off lights or switched of gadgets that are not required.
  1. Energy Saving
Most smart home automation systems, are able to boost your home’s energy efficiency tremendously. This lowers the amount of energy wasted, which not only helps protect the environment, but also results in lowering energy bills and a substantial cost saving over time. Smart lighting systems are often mentioned when talking about energy saving, as they help reduce the amount of electricity used for lighting in various different ways. The latest smart lighting technology uses only a fraction of the electricity that a standard incandescent bulb would use to deliver the same light output. Lights can also be dimmed when not required at full radiance or to set the right mood of a room when entertaining guests or watching a movie.
  1. Resale Value
Finally, a very important advantage of smart home technology that many people overlook at first is just how beneficial it can be when you decide to sell your home. Today’s new generation of home buyers is more likely to be interested in a home that already features smart technology. By installing a robust home automation system, you can make your home more appealing to buyers and increase its market value, as a growing number of individuals in all age groups are starting to realize the benefits of having a smart home automation system in their home. According to the latest studies, nearly 80% of individuals who have already experienced smart automation in some way, say that they wouldn’t consider a future home without an automation system installed. Smart home automation technology is now present in most leading cities around the world, and gaining momentum by the day. So for ease, access, safety and savings, install a smart automation system today!  

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