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Listen To Your Speakers

Hearing is subjective, meaning not everyone perceives sound the same way. What sounds slightly shrill or bright to one person may be revealing and airy to another, so there is always going to be room for debate over which speaker sounds best. When choosing a speaker, sound quality is ranked among appearance, size, budget, room dimensions and several other factors, so it’s not always as simple as what sounds best.

This article focuses on the audible aspects of choosing a speaker and what to consider when answering the question, “What is the Best Sounding Speaker for Me?” The characteristics listed below are the top priorities for Platinum Vision when designing and installing loudspeakers. We’re passionate about creating sound that is a true reflection of the nuance, artistry and intensity of your favorite music, movies, games, and all audio content.

The easiest and most objective thing to listen for is clarity. One way to determine whether a speaker has excellent clarity is to play music you are familiar with, a song or album where you know every note, beat and detail. Are you hearing those details cleanly and clearly? Better yet, are you noticing sounds or layers you have never heard before because the speakers are so revealing? These are the tell-tale signs of a speaker with great clarity.
On the flipside, if the details sound muffled or muddy and the sound is not as expressive as you remember, it is not the best sounding speaker for you.

Imaging & Soundstage
The second thing to listen for in a stereo or home theater system is imaging and soundstage, or the ability to render a sense of place, distance and a three-dimensional sound field. Speakers should convince you there is sound coming from all around, not just from two boxes in front of you. The bass guitarist should be distinguishable from the lead singer and drummer in terms of location onstage when listening to live music. A car racing in front of you should get louder and softer as it goes from right to left or vice versa so you believe it’s zooming across your field of vision.
Soundstage also refers to a speaker’s ability to create atmospheric sound. Even the background noises behind dialogue or action scenes are clearly perceptible and deepen the sense of immersion.

Neutrality & Refinement
Neutrality and refinement refer to a speaker’s ability to sound as close to the real thing as possible. Does a human voice sound exactly like a human voice, or more robotic? Does the pluck of a guitar string, the roar of an engine, or the soft vocals of a female vocalist come through accurately and faithfully to how the original artist or producer intended?

Since the majority of dialogue and instrumental content occurs in the mid-range frequencies, it’s especially important to focus your listening there, but don’t ignore bass and high frequencies for their ability to recreate the full impact and power in a convincing and realistic way. If a speaker can suspend your sense of disbelief and transport you onstage or to the middle of a movie scene, it has superb neutrality and refinement.

Dynamic Range
A speaker’s ability to effortlessly rise to extreme musical and cinematic peaks or to render the quietest moments with detail and clarity is known as its dynamic range. It’s not just a measure of how loud you can crank the speaker with minimal or no distortion, dynamic range is more nuanced than that. The better question to ask is, how well does the speaker show the contrast between the loudest and quietest moments in your content? You want a speaker that can play as loud as you need it to, but that can also be subtle or delicate when the content demands it.

When it comes to choosing a speaker based on sound, you won’t go wrong by listening for the qualities mentioned above. If you love the sound based on these criteria, love the appearance, it fits within the dimensions of your listening room and is priced within your budget, you’ve most likely found the perfect speaker for you.

If you still have thoughts or questions about how to choose the right speakers, write to us at info@pv.ae and our technical team will be happy to assist?


What Defines An Immersive Home Theatre System

For the inexperienced, the difference between watching a movie and being immersed in a truly great home theater experience may seem minor, but the reality is far different. From a physical sense, the term home theater can be broadly defined. In one home it might be a 16-seat dedicated room with a 100-inch drop-down screen, but more likely it’s a multi-use media room with an AV system that handles music playback, TV, gaming and movie nights. Regardless of where it’s set-up or how many seats it has, the definition of an exceptional home theater experience is the same whether you’re in a villa or an apartment.

The end goal of any home theater should be to create an environment where the sensory content is so realistic, and rendered so accurately that it allows you to suspend your disbelief for a couple hours and accept what’s happening onscreen as reality. It could be a blockbuster movie, a big game, a TV series, or a first-person shooter video game, but the ability to truly immerse yourself in the experience is at the heart of a great home theater.



So what does it take to create this sensation of suspended reality? The first thing most people think about is a TV or projector. The most important factor in choosing your video solution should be to find something big enough to fully occupy your field of vision. The more onscreen action you see, the less you’ll be distracted, and the more dialed into the content you’ll feel. Industry guidelines for 1080p HDTVs recommend a viewing distance of about 1.5-2.5 x the screen diagonal. For example, the optimal viewing distance for a 70” HDTV is about 8.5-14.5 feet. The enhanced resolution of 4K reduces that to 1-1.5 x the screen diagonal – so you can go bigger and sit closer for an even more immersive experience!

If you’re considering a front projector, it’s essential to have a room that can be fully darkened like a dedicated home theater room. If you want to use a projector in a living/family room where ambient light cannot be fully controlled, choose a model with sufficient brightness (lumens) and contrast ratio to prevent image wash-out in a lighted room.



Video is important, of course, but when it comes down to exciting your senses, three-quarters of the emotional impact, the dynamics, the energy and the engagement comes from the sound. A great home theater needs to convince you both visually and sonically that the on-screen experience is really happening.

For starters, the system needs to accurately cover the entire audible bandwidth at lifelike playback levels, from the deepest subterranean bass to the highest treble. All dialogue, every sound effect and all music needs to be accurately reproduced. Each speaker channel has a different purpose and all are equally important and need to work together seamlessly to deliver a convincing experience.

All of the speakers should convey a continuous and evolving field of sonic vision. You should be able to precisely detect the points in space where sounds are coming from and it should correspond exactly with the onscreen action. Also, each speaker should be sonically matched with similar voicing and tone. As the sound effects pan across multiple channels, the sonic character of the sound will not change and the listener then perceives the entire sound field as a single source – this is called the “precedence effect.”



The center channel is perhaps the most undervalued audio channel in a home theater set-up. The primary function of the center channel is to handle the hugely important role of dialogue playback, because typically in movies and TV, when a character is speaking, you see them onscreen. Center channel speakers have an incredibly difficult job, because they have to create the illusion that sound is coming right from a person’s lips, and failure to do so takes away from the realism of your home theater experience. But center speakers are not just for dialogue. They also serve as the sonic bridge between front main speakers and ensure seamless panning effect and continuity of sound across the entire front stage.



The various surround channels (side, rear, overhead) need to create a multi-dimensional sound field that engulfs the listener. It might be a conversation happening behind you, the crack of a twig from an unseen stalker, an overhead helicopter or the faint pitter-patter of raindrops. Surround speakers create the illusion the listener is in the center of what is unfolding onscreen, which is critical for the suspension of disbelief.



The subwoofer also has a critical role in the home theater system – it needs to realistically convey the full dynamic impact and pressure of the demanding low-frequency effects (LFE) channel in action, thriller and sci-fi movies. But a great subwoofer needs to be distinct too – anchoring the entire soundstage and accurately reproducing the music score and subtle deep background effects used for mood and creating tension.

The subwoofer also handles the deepest bass from the various loudspeaker channels (particularly the center and surround channels), allowing them to focus on reproducing the midrange and high frequencies for a more precise and articulate presentation. Routing the speaker channel bass to the subwoofer also conserves amplifier power in the AV receiver, which enhances overall system dynamics.

To create a convincing and realistic home theater experience, your entire audio system needs to accurately reproduce all voices, instruments, musical scores and sound effects and place them in their intended location in time and space in order to truly immerse and transport the viewer.


Elite HTS Launches New Website & New Industry Standard

Elite HTS Launches New Website & New Industry Standard

Elite Home Theater Seating (Elite HTS) has yet again set the standard for custom home theater furniture with the launch of their new website EliteHTS.com and the announcement of their new Diamond Elite Certification for home theater furniture design. The brand, popular with the Hollywood elite and cinephiles worldwide, spent more than a year designing their new user experience and adding functionality to their popular custom chair builder.

“The new Elite HTS experience is one that we believe is a major step forward for home theater and cinema fans,” says Bobby Bala, CEO and founder of Elite. “We have taken great care to build a site that our industry partners can use on a daily basis to help their own businesses grow, as well as offering consumers a higher level of value than ever before.”

“But it goes beyond just how the site works,” adds Bala. “With the launch of our new site, we’re also excited to announce a new industry certification for home theater furniture design – the Diamond Elite Standard.”

The Diamond Elite Standard ensures that Elite’s discerning customers can be confident in the design and workmanship that goes into every custom home theater chair order. The standard defines ten key design and construction specifications that every chair must meet in order to be certified and receive the Diamond Elite seal. They include:

  1. Hand-crafted design– Every custom chair is made by hand and to bespoke customer specifications.
  2. All-wood construction– All wooden components must be made of solid wood without ‘thin’ composite materials.
  3. Single-piece base construction– Chair bases are made of a single piece of hollowed out wood to ensure stability and longevity.
  4. Fitted joinery– Fitted joints, glue and wood screws are used to provide superior chair strength over nails or staples.
  5. Reinforced arms– Improved reinforcements in each chair arm to eliminate typical squeaks and wobble.
  6. Material durability– All seating materials must meet or exceed international durability testing.
  7. German-designed mechanisms & motors– Reclining mechanisms and motors must meet or exceed strict German machinery designs and standards.
  8. Maximum 4″ recline clearance– Chairs must not exceed 4″ distance in headrest positioning when reclining.
  9. Chiropractor-approved – To eliminate muscle strain, all designs must be ergonomically approved.
  10. Superior warranty program– A full 10-year machinery warranty and 5-year foam and upholstery warranty.

“As one of the world’s premier luxury cinema chair manufacturers, this new standard offers consumers and designers alike a new benchmark for what quality and luxury truly mean,” notes Bala. “We also encourage theater seating companies worldwide to adopt the Diamond Elite Certification for their own product development.”


Elite HTS Launches New Website & New Industry Standard

Elite HTS Launches New Website & New Industry Standard

Elite Home Theater Seating (Elite HTS) has yet again set the standard for custom home theater furniture with the launch of their new website EliteHTS.com and the announcement of their new Diamond Elite Certification for home theater furniture design. The brand, popular with the Hollywood elite and cinephiles worldwide, spent more than a year designing their new user experience and adding functionality to their popular custom chair builder.

“The new Elite HTS experience is one that we believe is a major step forward for home theater and cinema fans,” says Bobby Bala, CEO and founder of Elite. “We have taken great care to build a site that our industry partners can use on a daily basis to help their own businesses grow, as well as offering consumers a higher level of value than ever before.”

“But it goes beyond just how the site works,” adds Bala. “With the launch of our new site, we’re also excited to announce a new industry certification for home theater furniture design – the Diamond Elite Standard.”

The Diamond Elite Standard ensures that Elite’s discerning customers can be confident in the design and workmanship that goes into every custom home theater chair order. The standard defines ten key design and construction specifications that every chair must meet in order to be certified and receive the Diamond Elite seal. They include:

  1. Hand-crafted design– Every custom chair is made by hand and to bespoke customer specifications.
  2. All-wood construction– All wooden components must be made of solid wood without ‘thin’ composite materials.
  3. Single-piece base construction– Chair bases are made of a single piece of hollowed out wood to ensure stability and longevity.
  4. Fitted joinery– Fitted joints, glue and wood screws are used to provide superior chair strength over nails or staples.
  5. Reinforced arms– Improved reinforcements in each chair arm to eliminate typical squeaks and wobble.
  6. Material durability– All seating materials must meet or exceed international durability testing.
  7. German-designed mechanisms & motors– Reclining mechanisms and motors must meet or exceed strict German machinery designs and standards.
  8. Maximum 4″ recline clearance– Chairs must not exceed 4″ distance in headrest positioning when reclining.
  9. Chiropractor-approved – To eliminate muscle strain, all designs must be ergonomically approved.
  10. Superior warranty program– A full 10-year machinery warranty and 5-year foam and upholstery warranty.

“As one of the world’s premier luxury cinema chair manufacturers, this new standard offers consumers and designers alike a new benchmark for what quality and luxury truly mean,” notes Bala. “We also encourage theater seating companies worldwide to adopt the Diamond Elite Certification for their own product development.”


Smart Home System? Home Cinema? Platinum Vision Has The Answer.

Smart Home System? Home Cinema? Platinum Vision Has The Answer.

Platinum Vision has more than 25 years of expertise in Home Automation Systems Home Cinemas and Networking Solutions, with an unrivaled client database.

The aim of PV is to make the ‘complicated’ operation of luxurious and modern automation systems simple. Forget the row of switches on the wall, or the library of remote controls on your coffee table, PV eliminates and simplifies the effort of operating your Home Entertainment systems, Lighting, AC Control, Wi-Fi and networking, and even CCTV monitoring from outside your property.

We are also masters of home cinema design and installation offering complete solutions including acoustic paneling and turnkey installations for the cinema room, we even go as far as a residential IMAX solution!!

Platinum Vision was founded in the UK in 1990 pioneering the world of home automation, in 2007 we established a base in the UAE and now with a team of more than 120 people, we have built one of the world’s leading home automation specialist installation companies right here in Dubai. Our team covers all disciplines in our field from design, installation, project management and programming without having to rely on subcontract companies to complete our installations.

At PV we blend together world class brands of hardware from several manufacturers to suit the customer’s taste, style and budget. We work alongside architects and interior designers to produce a high quality, seamlessly integrated system keeping design and quality in mind at all times.

PV offers a highly professional service and strives to give the best possible solutions to every client no matter the challenge presented to us. So weather it’s a villa, yacht, office or apartment we have the solution for you.

We aim to build ongoing professional relationships with all our clients and offer the best possible service and support for now and into the future with all our projects.
